It's only the 3rd week of school and I'm already dying inside. New record for my scorebook!
Today, the teachers must have pitied us and gave us as little homework as possible, or maybe pitied themselves because of the paperwork, but oh well, homework's homework and it's still as hard as algebra.
ID Picture Taking was today, and yes, I still look like a horse. Hair strands flying about and my face, distorted. And this was the year I even tried to look good. *le sigh* Arrived in my dad's office still in my uniform, and literally a heavy weight on my shoulder, meaning my school bag.
But the best part of the day comes along: Mika's Elle Me Dit is finally released! You will never know how many doodles I have of this in my notebook and the anticipation in my heart. It's just like a belieber meeting Justin Bieber. That's how desperate a fan I am. Still listening to the song, even if it's French. (I might be able to learn French this way, *trolls*)
It's a fantastic yet sad song, if you don't mind the pop beat or the French language. (Source: Google Translate. Horrible translation, though. Oh well.) It's amazing how Mika can always make a depressing song turn into something more upbeat and dance-able. Elle De Mit (She Said, translated) must have been inspired by his meeting a woman named Karen he met in a club. (Hopefully, he hasn't made any other girl friends.) Forgive me if I'm wrong. I give the song 100 out of 5 stars!*smile*
It's been a great day, even if my social life is officially dead. Since last summer. *creys harder* Even my sister hangs out with her friends more than I do with mine. *le sighs harder* Going to pick her up from the mall and head off home for a FRIENDS marathon & pizza! Ah, Fridays are indeed the best days of a school year.
Photo for the day:
*And yes, that is my photo. Again, amateur.*
'Til next time!
(Most possibly tomorrow)
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